Sunday, September 23, 2018

Connor's Quilt

Hi everyone,

This has been an emotional and busy past couple of days. As I mentioned in my last post, my youngest son, Connor, was moving to Florida.  We spent Monday and Tuesday packing up his room and all the household items and furniture I brought him. The shopping for stuff was fun...I spent the day with my best friend and scored a lot of good stuff from thrift stores and the dollar store. And as long as I didn't think about the outcome of the shopping I was fine. But as my son and husband drove away on Wednesday the emotions were front and center.

But I've stayed busy since then and though I'm missing him like crazy, I am so proud of him.

Anyway, this blog is about quilting so today I'm going to share with you a quilt I made for Connor last year and finally took a picture of before packing it up.

We spent the better part of 6 months looking at patterns until we found a pattern called Convex Illusions by KwiltArt. The pattern was for a quilt that finishes at 60" X 60" but Connor wanted it bigger so I added an extra border. Unfortunately, I did not measure it before I packed it but it's about a queen size quilt. The fabric was sourced online. One bundle - Anthology Batik Fabric Tonal FQ Bundle in Neutral was purchased from HeartsDesireFiber on Etsy.  I also got a Batik Fabric Bundle in Red but I don't remember where I got it from.

The quilt is called Illusions and was finished on December 10, 2017.


Unfortunately, it's wider and taller than my husband and I didn't have time to pose it better but hopefully, you get the idea. 

Well, that's it for now.

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