Saturday, July 11, 2020

What I'm Working On

Hi everyone!

I have a question for you, how do you decide on what pattern to use when you set out to make a quilt? I'm having a hard time answering this question right now.
I have a lot of fabrics that are waiting for me to decide. For instance, I recently brought a 20 piece fat quarter bundle called Bon Voyage by Tilda.  Have you seen it? 
Here is a picture of it...


I know I don't want to use a pattern that I've used in the past, but there are so many patterns to choose from. Brain overload just thinking about it.

So in the meantime, I've taken my box of scraps...

and I've been making scrappy blocks. 


I'm sort of using a mix of methods - 15-minute fabric, improv, and Vortex - to construct the blocks. So far I have made 5 blocks. I don't know how many blocks I"m going to make or what I'm going to do with them. I guess that's the whole idea...I'm just sitting at my sewing machine and sewing without thinking about the outcome. And it's been really fun. 

So we'll see what happens next week.

Thanks for stopping by... 


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